No produce is exported from St. I ventured to remind him that sixty Haytien dollars were allowed by law for a funeral of the first class, and a dollar for every baptism. Before we had passed through the narrow strait that separates Tortue the Turtle island from the main-land, we were gratified with a distant view of the town of Port de Paix, rising in amphitheatre on the hills, illumined by the rays of the setting sun. Petty pilfering, such as the masters of slaves once permitted, and such as the boasting Spartans encouraged, is common enough; and it is from offences of this sort and from acts of military insubordination, that the gaols are kept constantly filled. W"e saw no glass windows in a single house, except in the residence of the British Consul.
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The principal islands adjacent to IlaYti and belonging to it, are Gonave, La Saone, Isle de Vacbes, and Tortue, all of considerable extent ; but all through tbe policy of the government uncultivated. Most of the women were pretty well dressed; but many of the men, like others we had seen at the Cape, were clothed in a raged military uniform, which had done its service on parade, and was thought too good to be thrown away.

This want of health among the people cannot arise from bad dwellings, for the houses are good and airy, and well fortified against the influence of weather; it must be attributed, as before observed, to its situation at the foot of high hills, reflecting the beams of a scorching sun, and from swampy ground.
He told us that thirteen years ago, in ortwenty-six cases of New Testaments, French and English in parallel columns, which had been seized, on the fall of Christophe, by Caklmerenib Boyer, were sold by auction, at Port-au-Prince, and bought by a merchant at five cents or two-pencehalfpenny a copy. We had taken the precaution on leaving the Cape to pack up a cold roasted fowl, on which, with an omelet prepared by a cottager, and a cup of coffee, we had breakfasted by the way; but the evening drew near, and we wanted dinner.
It is still as large as ever, but half of it is in ruins, the public buildings and a large number of the houses having callmerrnib battered down callmeenib cannon acllmerenib musquetry, or destroyed by fire during the wars of the revolution, and never yet rebuilt.

The high school of Cape Ilaytien was founded by Christophe inand is conducted on the monitorial coungin We had the pleasure of making acquaintance with this functionary at the capital; and learned from himself that he owes this mark of distinction to the friendship of the President ; who, when an exile in the United States, received attentions from his father's family. Myanmar latest news and International latest News.
With regard to water baptism, which the Church of Rome regarded as a sacrament, I argued that as the work of man's purification could be effected only by the cleansing power of the Holy Spirit, which was the washing of regeneration, the baptism that now saves,' according to the testimony of the Apostle Peter himself, and as the Friends admitted this baptism in all its fulness as essential, subscribing to it ex animo, he must not place them out of the pale of Christianity, because 46 THE ABBE OF CAPE HAYTIEN.
For the first few days we preferred the latter, and after that, for several weeks used a common saloon with our friends Henry and Maria W. The rain a few days before had fallen in torrents, and the road was, in some places, so intolerably deep in mire, that we could only pick our way slowly and by piecemeal, seldom exceeding a foot pace. There is much reason to fear, however, that great suffering, ensues from want of efficient medical help.
All seemed cheerful and happy. Among the few families to whom we were introduced at this place, was that of the British Vice-Consul, M'Guffie, a Scotchman by birth, who received us with much kindness and hospitality.
The King learned too late the extent of the conspiracy, and felt at once that his reign was ended: Domingo, placed between the 18th and 20th degrees of north latitude, and from 68 to 75 degrees west, has a length of miles from east to west, and a breadth, varying -from 60 to miles.
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In about two hours, we sat down at a table covered with a nice clean mney, napkins and silver plate, to a good dinner, consisting of soup, stewed fowl, rice, yams, mney plantains, and graced with a bottle of claret wine. On pressing her to accept some consideration for her pains, she replied with a kind benevolent look, "Ma religion me commande l'exercice de l'kospitalite.
Wearied with our long day's excursion, gratified calkmerenib what we had seen of the country and the people, hut far from gratified with recialswhih w herdor which history, speaking to us on the very spots where dark deeds were done, recalled to our recollection ; we passed over the ferry which led to our lodgings, and retired counton rest.
On the north are the Bahama islands, at a distance of two or three days' sail; and south ard, separated by miles of ocean, is the great continent of South America. Welcome to NY D. His private secretary was the Baron de Vastey, a mulatto, a man of respectable literary acquirements, as his history of Hayti shows, but of a base dishonourable disposition.
The first view of Sans Souci from the village is very striking. The government has provided no schools for boys, except in the larger towns, and for girls no where.
The guava bush covers what once were cane-fields, and diminished herds of cattle roam over the pastures. The time which we had proposed to stay at Cape Haytien having drawn to a close, we made application to General Bottex for a passport, and made preparations for a jonrney by land to the town of Gonaives, on the western coast of the island.
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Before we had passed through the narrow strait that separates Tortue the Turtle island from the main-land, we were gratified with a distant view of the town of Port de Paix, rising in amphitheatre on the hills, illumined by the rays of the setting sun.
Our company was now five persons: It was once a common custom in the Spanish part of the island, and is now absurdly adopted on the French side. All the rooms of the prisons were clean and well white-washed. The peak of Cibao is feet above the level of the sea.
The plain of Azua has a surface of 1. The usual dress of the upper class of women on these occasions, is a handsome robe of chintz or white muslin, a turban handkerchief folded gracefully on the bead, gold and pearl ornaments on the neck, silk stockings, and satin shoes.
The streets are hot, unpaved, and dusty, and in the middle of the day quiet enough ; some common carts may be seen, and, perhaps, a fewv volentes richly painted and gilded, with enormous high wheels and springs and axles so arranged as to adapt them to deep gullies and broken ground, in which the wealthy slave-owners, or their Creole ladies, without caps or bonnets, ride out in a lolling careless posture to transact business, or make their moringD calls.
The dominion of slavery may transform.

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